Sunday, May 16, 2010


It's unbelievable how much love can be felt in a home. I don't realize quite how much I miss it until I come home from school. I literally laughed until I cried and couldn't breathe today. These are my favorite moments. My mom, sisters, and my sisters' boyfriends, and I are all just hanging out, playing games, eating ice cream, and talking... Just doing life together and completely enjoying it. The Lord knows just how much our hearts need this. I need fellowship and love and care and all this fills me to the brim, but from there where does it go? I can sit and revel in this moment (and I am) but I hope that I don't keep this to myself. Love and joy need to be given away, and I know that there are a lot of people in this world who are very much with out tonight...


Kate said...

You do bring love and joy to the places that you go!

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